Terms & Conditions

The Housing Scheme is open to any citizen of India above 18 years for applying in General Category. The applicants applying under Reserve Category should invariably be a resident of Punjab.

The Scheme I
  1. ♦ The scheme comprises 119 Three Bed Room storeyed Super Deluxe Flats to be allotted on Self Finance Basis under which, an allottee shall be required to make 100% payment of the chargeabale price before possession. The total number of Flats and cost of Flats mentioned therein is tentative and is subject to the upward revision and the Trust shall be competent to recover the increased cost, before handing over of Possession to the allottee.

  2. ♦ The allotment of the dwelling units under this scheme shall be made as per provisions of The Punjab Town Improvement (Utilization of Land & Allotment of Plots) Rules, 1983 as amended from time to time.

  3. ♦ In case there is a shortfall of applicants in any Reserve category, the surplus flats under this category shall be transferred to General category at the time of draw of lots.

Eligibility I

  1. ♦ The applicant should be a citizen of India.

  2. ♦ Applicant must have attained the age of majority i.e. 18 years on the closing date of registration

  3. ♦ The applicant should submit a Self Declaration along with self attested photograph as per specimen enclosed on Non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 25/-.

  4. ♦ Only one member of a family shall be eligible to apply & he /she can apply only in one category i.e either in General category or in any of the Reserved categories, for which he/she may be eligible. The family' shall mean husband, wife and minor children.

How to apply
The Brochure is available from the prescribed branches of Punjab National Bank on payment fo Rs. 300/-& the application form is attached in this Brochure.
The application duly completed and signed should be submitted with prescribed branches of personally or by Registered post. The downloaded application will be given separate Serial No's by LIT before the Draw.

The application should be signed only by the applicant himself or a person duly authorized by Special Power of Attorney on Non Judical Stamp paper of Rs.100/- duly attested by an Executive Magistrate or Judicial Magistrate, Ist class or Notary Public. Application found incomplete or defective in any manner whatsoever are liable to be rejected summarily. Provisional / conditions application will not be entertained.
The persons applying under any Reserve category should attach relevant document in support of proof for falling in relevant category & such persons should invariably be Domicile of Punjab.

Mode of allotment
The Allotment and specific flat number shall be made by draw of lots in the presence of eminent persons as per Punjab Town Improvement (Utilization of Land And Allotment of Plots). Rules. 1983 as amended up to date.


There shall be following reservation in favour of different categories:

  1. ♦ 1% In favour of Freedom fighters and Political Sufferers who have been awarded Tamara Patras by the Govt. of Punjab and who are domicile of the state and in case of their death their widow& in absence of widow, their children.

  2. ♦ 3% In favour of Defence personnel, BSF personnel, Members of the CRPF, Ex- Servicemen and war widows having domicile in the State of Punjab.

  3. ♦ 3% In favour of Persons belonging to the SC's and BC's.

  4. ♦ 8% In favour of Persons appointed by the State Government, who are holding posts in connection with the affairs of State of Punjab & to the employees of the Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats & Improvement Trusts, and in case of their death while in service their widows.

  5. ♦ 1% In favour of Outstanding Sportsmen who have won a medal at International/ National level competitions.

  6. ♦ 15% In favour of Pensioners and those serving employees whose superannuation falls in th next two years and who have no house of their own or in the name of any member of their family.

  7. ♦ 5% In favour of Sikh migrants/Riots affected & Terrorist Victims.

  8. ♦ 3% In favour of Physically Handicapped (40% minimum as per as certified by C.M.O,)